vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness can be caused by low estrogen levels and lack of arousal.
Carol Yepes/ Getty Images
  • Vaginal dryness can be caused by a lack of sexual arousal, menopause, and an upset in your pH balance.
  • Depending on the cause, estrogen creams, engaging in foreplay, and drinking enough water can help.
  • If your dryness is causing discomfort or pain, see your OB-GYN for assistance.
  • Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that can cause considerable discomfort. It is especially common after menopause. In fact, according to Harvard Medical School, roughly 50% of postmenopausal people experience it.

Vaginal dryness can be caused by a lack of sexual arousal during intercourse (i.e. you're not turned on enough). Other periods of hormonal change, like breastfeeding, perimenopause, and menopause may also be accompanied by vaginal dryness, says Sherry Ross, MD, an OB-GYN with her own practice.

Here's what you need to know about this condition as well as some steps you can take to improve it.

Symptoms of vaginal dryness

The primary symptoms of vaginal dryness are itchiness, soreness, or discomfort around the vagina; however, persistent dryness can also lead to other problems including:

What causes vaginal dryness?

Normally, the vagina has a thin coating of moisture that lubricates it in order to reduce friction during sex and help sperm travel toward an egg. Vaginal dryness occurs when the cervical glands and bacteria that normally produce that coating, no longer functions properly.

These are some factors that can contribute to vaginal dryness:

  • Lower estrogen levels: Estrogen is a hormone that helps the vagina stay lubricated. Your body produces less estrogen as you age, which is why dryness is common during and after menopause. Without estrogen to hydrate the vagina, the tissue can become dry, itchy, and pale, says Ross. Estrogen levels also fluctuate during breastfeeding and right before your period, which may also lead to dryness.
  • Medications: Medications that typically cause your skin, eyes, or mouth to feel dry can also cause vaginal dryness. Common medications that contribute to vaginal dryness include: Allergy and cold medications, birth control pills, certain antidepressants, and Accutane, says Ross.
  • Health conditions: Certain health conditions, like diabetes or Sjögren's syndrome, can also result in vaginal dryness. The high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can damage the blood vessels in the vagina, resulting in a lack of lubrication. Sjögren's syndrome on the other hand is a condition that affects fluid production in various parts of the body, including the eyes, mouth, and vagina.
  • An upset in the vagina's pH balance: The vagina has an acidic pH that is between 3.8 and 4.5; this helps it fight infection and stay healthy, says Ross. She says anything that disrupts this delicate balance could lead to vaginal problems, such as yeast infections, dryness, itching, or burning. Perfumed toiletries, laundry products, menstrual products, spermicide, and condoms are some common causes of irritation, says Ross.
  • Lack of sexual arousal: If sexual intercourse is painful because you are too dry, it may be because you are not sufficiently aroused. When you're aroused, the vagina secretes fluids in preparation for penetration, which makes penetrative sex easier and more enjoyable.

What helps with vaginal dryness?

If you're experiencing vaginal dryness, there may be ways to remedy it. Here are some actions you could take that may help:

  • Moisturizing: Vaginal moisturizers can help with vaginal dryness. According to Ross, you can also use fragrance-free lubricants specially designed for the vagina to treat this condition.
  • Applying estrogen: Severe dryness can be treated with estrogen, says Ross. There are estrogen creams, tablets, and rings, that can help treat the underlying cause of the dryness. You'll need a doctor's prescription to purchase medication containing estrogen.
  • Staying hydrated: Ross recommends drinking water as a lack of vaginal lubrication can stem from dehydration. "Drinking adequate amounts of water daily helps to hydrate the skin of the vulva and vagina," says Ross. Women need around 11.5 cups of water per day, although your needs may vary depending on factors like the weather, geographic location, and how active you are.
  • Keeping the vulva clean: The inside of your vagina doesn't require any cleaning; it takes care of itself and any attempts to clean it can lead to vaginal health problems, including dryness. However, Ross recommends cleaning the outside of the vagina, known as the vulva, with gentle soap and water. "Keeping the skin hydrated, clean, and cared for will help prevent dryness," says Ross.
  • Adding more soy to your diet: Soybeans contain a plant-based substance called isoflavone that has a similar effect on your body as the hormone estrogen in maintaining vaginal health and lubrication.
  • Engaging in foreplay: Taking your time with foreplay can help ensure that your vagina is lubricated before penetrative sex. Water-based lubricants can also help combat dryness and reduce the discomfort of sexual intercourse.

Insider's takeaway

Vaginal dryness is a condition that can cause discomfort and can lead to other health issues like UTIs and vaginal infections. It is common during periods of hormonal fluctuation, like menopause, menstruation, breastfeeding, or right before/after your period.

You may notice vaginal dryness during sex, which can be painful and result in bleeding. If this is the case, try adding more foreplay to increase arousal in order to make sex more comfortable.

You can also try drinking plenty of water, washing your vulva with soap, soaking in a bath with coconut oil, and adding soy products to your diet to reduce dryness.

If all else fails, consult your healthcare provider about estrogen treatments, probiotics, and vaginal lubricants.

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